On Get on Board we have a talent database of +500,000 professionals throughout Latin America, with different profiles and levels of experience. When creating your job, we recommend you follow the following steps, to reach the professionals that best fit the profile:
Introduce your company. Talk about what your company is doing "from the inside", rather than what is already obvious to the general public. Mention the challenges facing your business and your team that justify the job you are offering. Professionals want to know about the projects they will be working on and the team with whom they will share their daily tasks.
If you are recruiting on behalf of another company, in this field you must describe the final hiring company (where the professional will be working). Also, if your company is a consulting firm, in this field mention the projects and clients they are working with.Â

Enter the location or modality of the job: co-located (country and city), remote within a country, or remote from anywhere in the world, or hybrid. Professionals can filter their job searches by location. International applicants applying for your localized job must certify that they have the necessary documentation to work in the country.Â
Specify the seniority. What level of experience are you looking for? Junior, senior, inexperienced? Remember to maintain a match between seniority and the requirements of the position.Â
- Describe the role as accurately as possible, especially mentioning aspects of your team, expectations, tasks, and the evolution of the role. Avoid mixing requirements when describing the position (that should go in the "Job requirements" field). Focus on specific tasks. Professionals are interested in knowing what day-to-day tasks they will be performing in the position.Â

Clearly mention the requirements and experience. Explain each of the requirements you ask of the applicants and put them in the context of the needs of the position. Mention soft skills and personal characteristics related to your work culture and your team's values, avoiding generic requirements. It is important that you mention the technologies, experience, and studies in this field so that you can match them with the right professionals.Â
- Specify optional skills in their corresponding field. Make sure that the basic requirements are mentioned in that field, and, if there are other skills or technologies that are 'desirable' to have, you can mention them in the 'optional' field. If you mention all the must-haves and the optional requirements, many professionals could feel discouraged in applying.Â

- Specify the salary. On Get on Board all published jobs (except those in part-time and freelance mode) must specify salary. You can hide the salary in the public view, but you must take into consideration that the applicants will be able to see the range at the moment of applying.Â

- Conditions. Although this field is optional, we recommend that you include the conditions of employment, benefits, and other information here. The more information you provide about the job and your company, the better your chances of finding the right talent.Â